
This is a fascinating, yet somewhat controversial topic that is especially exciting to believers as we near the second coming of Jesus Christ. To be a part of this group or know someone who is in this group would be mind-blowing. Lets take a look at the way the Bible describes this group of end-time believers.


(1) SEALED by God at the end of time Rev. 7:3, 14:1

(2) Great Multitude (uncountable) from every nation, tribe, kindred and people Rev. 7:9

(3) Clothed white robes & carry palm branches Rev. 7:9

(4) Sing a song nobody else can sing because of their experience through the “great tribulation” Rev. 14:3, 7:14

(5) Follow the Lamb (JC) wherever He goes Rev. 14:4

(6) Virgins spiritually – they have God’s pure character Rev. 14:4

(7) Firstfruits means this group is dedicated to God and to Christ; Old Testament times “firstfruits” of the earth were dedicated as an offering to God Exodus 23:19 (I may do more research on this point)

(8) No guile in their mouths (they don’t lie) Rev. 14:5

(9) Stand on the Sea of Glass with the Harps of God Rev. 15:2

(10) Sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb Rev. 15:3


Much of the book of Revelation is symbolic.  Revelation chapter seven talks about the 144,000 being comprised of 12,000 people from each of the twelve tribes of Isreal.  This seems to be symbolic as God’s people alive on earth at His second coming are to come from every “nation, tribe, kindred, and people”.  The description of the great multitude seems more like the precise nature of the 144,000 whereas the number 144,000 and the composition of 12,000 from each of twelve tribes appears symbolic — the exact meaning is not fully clear.  One fascinating “truth unraveled” from the names of the twelve tribes as presented in Revelation is intriguing; is as follows:


JUDAH                                    “I will praise the Lord”

REUBEN                                  “He has looked on me”

GAD                                        “Granted good fortune”

ASHER                                     “Happy am I”

NAPHTHALI                            “My wrestling”

MANASSEH                            “Making me to forget”

SIMEON                                  “God hears me”

LEVI                                         “Joined to me”

ISSACHAR                               “Purchased me”

ZEBULUN                                “Dwelling”

JOSEPH                                   “God will add to me”

BENJAMIN                              “Son of His right hand”


I will praise the Lord for He has looked on me and granted good fortune. 


Happy am I for my wrestling He is making me to forget.


God hears me and is joined to me. 

He has purchased for me a dwelling. 

God will add to me the Son of His right hand (Jesus).