(1) Daniel Chapter Two

(2) Daniel Chapter Three

(3) 2300 Day Prophecy 

(4) 144,000

(5) Seventy Week Prophecy

(6) SUNDAY LAW *** (Midnight Cry)

(7) Daniel Chapter Eleven

(8) Time, Times, Half a Time – 1260 Year Prophecy (538AD – 1798AD)


WE ARE ALIVE in the Time Of The End.  Since 1798 per Daniel 12:7.


… it shall be for a time, times, and an half (1260years); and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people …  (See 1260 year prophecy – began 538AD)

Daniel 12:7 KJV


God’s people were scattered for 1260 years, from 538AD till 1798AD.  Since 1798AD the GATHERING of God’s end time people has begun.

Much work has been done to try and discern the writings of the Bible that point to the “last days” — those days just before the return of Jesus Christ.  We know that there are many different interpretations — let us PLEASE AGREE to respect and share with one another, and not take the opportunity to be offended and become angry.  I want this website to be interactive so that we can hear different perspectives, and learn from one another.  Revelation describes God’s “true church” (Revelation 12) and the “false church” (Revelation 17) – it is helpful to identify both, but it will be challenging.  Our goal is to approach all matters with the “Spirit of God”, not the spirit of the beast.  Ultimately, we are all seeking GOD’S TRUTH.