6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Matthew 7:6 King James Version
Revelation 10
—Norman McNulty
Revelation 10 is one of the signature chapters in the book of Revelation. This chapter reveals the prophetic rise of the Second Advent Movement. Jesus is the leader of this movement. Through this movement, we see a more complete revelation of Jesus Christ.
Understanding the flow of history in the first six trumpets is crucial for recognizing where Revelation 10 fits in the prophetic timeline. As we learned at the end of Revelation 9, the fall of the Ottoman Empire on August 11, 1840, galvanized the Second Advent Movement. Multitudes were convinced by the prophetic expositors proclaiming the soon return of Christ.
It is in the context of the fall of the Ottoman Empire that Revelation 10 enters the scene of prophetic history. While the sealed portion of Daniel 8 was opened to understanding in 1798* with the beginning of the time of the end, it was in the year 1840 that the Mighty Angel came down from heaven to start the new movement. The fulfillment of the prophecy of the sixth trumpet in Revelation 9 gives the fuel for the Mighty Angel to begin the new movement as described in Revelation 10.
MIGHTY ANGEL (summary)
- Clothed With a cloud
- Rainbow Upon His Head
- Face Like the Sun
- Feet as Pillars of Fire
- Little Book Opened
- Right Foot Upon the Sea; Left Foot on the Earth
- Came to Earth in 1840 to Announce
- Unsealing of 2300 Day Prophecy (Dan 8:14)
- Start of the Second Advent Movement
It is fascinating that Christ, clothed with a cloud as the mighty angel, is announcing that he is raising up a new movement. Just as He led the movement of ancient Israel from Egypt to Canaan while hovering over the most holy place in the earthly sanctuary, he is about to lead a new movement from earth to heaven. Just as he resided in the Most Holy Place of the earthly sanctuary to lead Israel, revelation 10 announces that he is moving to the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary, where He will be the leader of the Second Advent Movement. Wow.
To summarize, the rainbow above the head of Christ signifies that he is raising up a new-covenant people from the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary. This work will be completed from the throne of God, during the hour of His judgment, while the sanctuary is being cleansed. One of the key undertakings that Christ performs for the Most Holy Place is to complete the new covenant in the lives of His believers. He does this by writing his law into our hearts and minds. The rainbow above Christ’s head combines His work from the throne of God and the completion of the work of the new covenant as a high priest.
In totality, revelation 10:1 reveals a clear picture that the Mighty Angel is Jesus Christ. Furthermore, all the characteristics associated with Christ are related to his work in the sanctuary in heaven. He is clothed with a cloud, just as he was for ancient Israel while residing above the Most Holy Place. He has a rainbow above his head because he is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. He is the High Priest who is the mediator of the new covenant from the Most Holy Place. His face shines like the sun because he is the Sun of Righteousness. This righteousness will be produced in its totality from the Most Holy Place. His feet shine like pillars of fire because He is placing a new path for a new movement that will be a shining light of Christ character to the world.
Ellen White affirmed that the mighty angel is Christ in the following statement:
The mighty angel who instructed John was no less of personage than Jesus Christ. Setting his right foot on the sea, and is left upon the dry land, shows the part which he is acting in the closing scenes of the great controversy with Satan.
Ellen J. White, the seventh day Adventist Bible commentary, volume seven, 971
Little book opened. At the outset of verse two, Christ, the Mighty Angel, has a little book opened in his hand. One certainty that can be agreed-upon is that when Christ opens a book, that is a book that all should have a desire to study and understand. The fact that it is opened means that it can be understood. There is also the implication that the little book was closed, but now Christ has opened it so that it will be studied and understood.
Daniel 12:4 says:
But thou, O’Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
Based on the context of verse one, it should be obvious as to what book is opened; the book of Daniel. The timing of the beginning of revelation 10 is in the year of 1840 with the completion of the six trumpet in the fall of the Ottoman empire in revelation nine. Christ has revealed himself with sanctuary and judgment language from the throne of God with the description that he is about to move into the Most Holy Place.
Historically, the Second Advent Movement was in full swing by 1840, and the fuel to the engine of that movement was the prophecy of Daniel 8:14 and the 2300 days, which were to conclude on October 22, 1844. As we saw in Revelation nine, the fall of the Ottoman empire on August 11, 1840, based on the fulfilled prophecy of Revelation 9:15 (see discussion on “Fall of Ottoman Empire” in Revelation 9), added further momentum to the movement.
Now Christ comes down with a prophetic announcement that the little book of Daniel is open to be studied. While much of Daniel was already understood, the prophecy of Daniel 8:14 was sealed from understanding until the time of the end.
What becomes clear through a study of the book of Daniel and of history is that much of the book of Daniel was understood even before the time of the end commenced in 1798. The identity of the head of gold in Daniel 2 should never have been a mystery. Martin Luther understood in the 1500s that’s a little horn of Daniel 7 and 8 represented the Bishop of the Church of Rome.
However, It was the prophecy that extended beyond 1798 – the 2300 day prophecy – that would not be understood until that time (it was sealed). This is the portion of the little book that is unsealed by Christ himself. This prophecy is so important to be understood, that Christ himself came down from heaven to announce that the 2300 day prophecy was about to be fulfilled and that the sealed portion of the book of Daniel should be studied and understood in the timeframe of the 1840s and beyond.
It is absolutely vital to study the book of Daniel in connection with the book of revelation to have a complete understanding of these prophecies. That should especially be clear, given that Christ has the open book of Daniel in his hand as he comes down from heaven to begin the Second Advent Movement here in Revelation 10. The book of Daniel and the unsealed prophecy of the 2300 days is the engine of the Second Advent Movement. Christ is saying so by having the book of Daniel opened in his hand. The 2300 day prophecy of Daniel 8:14 connects to the prophecy of the 70 weeks and the death of Christ in A.D. 31, and it ultimately leads to His movement into the Most Holy Place in heaven on October 22, 1844. The entire plan of salvation with the cross and the sanctuary is seen in this prophecy.
Just as surely as Christ came down from heaven and was clothed with a cloud to lead the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan, he has just as certainly come down from heaven to lead a new movement – the Second Advent Movement – from earth to heaven. The more sure word of prophecy from Daniel and Revelation makes this point indisputably clear. As a member of the Second Advent Movement , it is incredible to realize that Christ is our leader from the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary. If you are reading this and you are not part of the Second Advent Movement , now is the time to join the movement in which Christ is the leader. Keep studying in and practically applying all of scripture including John 5:39 and the prophecies in the open book of Daniel and the book of Revelation, in which Christ reveals himself, and you will be led to an eternally secure relationship with Jesus Christ.
Now more than ever is the time to be studying the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Jesus told us to read and understand the prophecies of Daniel in Matthew 24:15. Here in revelation 10, he has revealed that the book of Daniel is unsealed for us to understand. The prophecies, rightly understood, are life-changing. When we follow Christ by faith, we see that He is the leader of the Second Advent Movement. He is leading us to the glorious pinnacle of the Second Coming. Those who follow him by faith now can be part of the 144,000 who will follow the Lamb wherever he goes throughout eternity.
*Bishop of Rome Pius VI captured by Napoleon, ending 1260 years power by Church of Rome
Second Advent Movement
Most Holy Place
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