Selah and Abbey.

What an amazing privilege and blessing it is to have children. I am so blessed to have daughters Selah Elizabeth and Abbey Marie – they are my pride and joy. I regret mistakes in my life that contributed to a divorce from my wife Lisa. The divorce was devastating – the most distressing part to me was my two girls would never again wake up every day to a loving mother and father – that broke my heart. But but but … God can use it all … amen?

Selah was born August 29, 2002 – the same day as Michael Jackson (Selah informed me of this when she was about eight years old). Selah was a performer – love to sing and dance and loved to watch yourself move on the TV screen. Selah had an energy that almost exploded from her eyes – she loved to be the center of attention. I remember thinking we would never love another child as much as Selah .. but of course we did when Abbey was born. And she loved her sister Abbey so much so much. She actively watched over her and was a good big sister.

Abbey was born April 23, 2004. Abbey was very playful and had a tough side to her as well.  She was able to keep up with her big sister Selah.  Abbey also loved to sing and dance – she continues to sing with family especially those fun songs we group up with.  Abbey has a special affection for our “four legged” family members as well – it was not an easy time when our long time furry friend Max (german shepherd/Malamute passed  away in 2021.  Selah and Abbey enjoyed playing together and doing family outings including camping, going to the beach, and spending time with family especially their cousins in sac town and long island. 

Both Selah and Abbey love the outdoors.   They had so much fun going camping and playing at the beach; they also enjoyed many sports/recreations including volleyball, horseback riding, and swimming. They both learned to ride Honda 50 cc dirtbike‘s when they were about 10 years old. Both girls are very smart. Selah is a math major at UC Davis second year and Abbey is first year psych major at American River community college in Sacramento. Abbey plans to transfer UC Santa Cruz to complete her college degree.

We live in a world that is rapidly changing with higher amounts of depression and anxiety than ever before especially among young people. I pray for Selah and Abbey every day. I pray God keeps them safe. I pray they make wise decisions. And I pray that they walk closer and closer with Jesus.

I have so many good memories with Lisa, Selah, and Abbey; like the times we went camping in Fort Bragg at MacKerricher state park which is right on the beach with a lake that we would fish in – it was wonderful. In Fort Bragg we used to go to an indoor aquatic park and do the lazy river – a lot of fun. We used to go to places like glass beach. I used to have a great time taking Selah and Abbey to Ocean Beach in San Francisco once a year end it was kind of dad‘s day out with the kids and give mom a break (I should’ve done it more often). We had a great time at the beach though. I do remember one time where the seawater broke over the beach head and made a big big puddle in the sand. Selah and Abbey both in diapers about 2-3 years old loved running through the water in the puddle for what seemed like hours – most of it was Abbey running after Selah.  They were both in diapers and they were adorable – that was on the best days I’ve ever had. they ran through the puddle for what seemed like forever both in diapers and sometimes they would fall especially Abbey – she fell twice and I was supposed to bring them home somewhat clean so I would have to get on their case not to fall; was trying to prevent sand from getting in their diapers. It was so cute because they both fell asleep within five minutes or so after we got them in the car seats on the drive home they were out cold – so cute.

Lisa Margaret was a teacher and really knows a lot about nature. She did a great job tide pooling and other nature stuff. When we went tide pooling we found starfish, sea anemones, crabs, and I even saw an small eel poke his head head out of a crevice for a second .. yikes! Selah and Abbey both enjoy climbing trees (especially Selah); they both love slugs (so it’s good that Abbey is going to UC Santa Cruz where the mascot for the university is the banana slug). It’s amazing how complex nature is and it is one of the most convincing evidences for me that there is a creator God. That these complex entities like childbirth could not just happen by chance I think most people will believe if they really think about it. The fact that you can have people in this world that are partly made from you it’s just a miracle and I’m very thankful.  So thank you so much Lisa – I could’ve done it without you, and you’re an amazing mom. And again girls Selah and Abbey may you know how much I love you and how much I am proud of you and how thankful I am to have you as two amazing daughters in my life. Please forgive me for any mistakes or things I may have done that may have hurt you in the past and please know that that was not intentional I love you both very very much.

PLEASE WATCH CLIP FROM 134:00:00 TILL THE END.  RESURRECTION WITH MARY MAGDALENE. (uploaded April 22, 2023 – Happy Birthday [tomorrow] Abbey.)